Expand your online business. Open 24/7. Fully automated operations. Self-managed.
Showcase the value of your website. Turn your website into a valuable asset. Enhance company strength.
The website can be connected with mobile devices to achieve optimal results through data integration.
Product showcase, inquiry system, order management, related product listings, checkout cart
Multiple function menu, latest news, photo album, contact form, custom function menu, custom pages, file downloads, FAQs, product search, album search, language selection, talent recruitment, photo slideshow, Google Maps. Learn more.
For every website we create, we can provide an email address for forwarding purposes.
We offer comprehensive and in-depth analysis of website/application traffic. Target audience data can assist you in planning content and optimizing the appearance and style of the platform.
Social sharing information, Facebook sharing tags, website sitemap, basic SEO optimization, social media link management, homepage pop-up window, checkout cart, Facebook Likebox plugin, newsletter system.
User access control with hierarchical permissions, login records, visitor traffic, data backup, Google Analytics, custom SMTP configuration.
After the completion of website development, you will still have full editing rights for any regularly updated information and images. Additionally, you can set different account privileges for different functionalities.
For a small fee, enhance the functionality of your website Multi-language support, inventory management, membership system, VIP membership, inquiry lists, shopping carts, payment processing, additional product listing services, customized page layouts, mobile version... For more details about value-added functionalities, please consult with our specialists.